Model Description:
The solar total and spectral irradiance are computed employing a neural network model.
The input parameters are the fraction of the solar disk covered by bright and dark
magnetic features on the solar surface, which are obtained from HMI/SDO solar
disk magnetograms and continuum images.
The solar total and spectral irradiance data are provided by the
SORCE scientific team. The SDO/HMI images are provided by the Joint
Science Operations - Science Data Processing (SDP). This work is/was partially supported by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7/2007-2013) under the grant agreement no. 218816 (SOTERIA project) and 261948 (ATMOP Project) by the CNPq/Brazil under the PCI grant number 312488/2012-2..
Dr. Luis Eduardo Antunes Vieira